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We are looking for suppliers

Use your chance for initial contact
Would you like to apply as a supplier? Please fill out our contact form and send it to the specified fax number. We will contact you if we have any requirements in your field.

Information for Suppliers
Untermeitingen is located approx. 25km to the south of the City of Augsburg with its rich traditions of machine construction. (MAN Roland Druckmaschinen AG, KUKA Roboter GmbH, EADS and many others). The presence of these traditional companies have attracted numerous suppliers to the vicinity over the decades, providing us with a large pool. For their part these suppliers are equipped with state-of-the-art production machines while their manageable size ensures that they remain flexible and concurrent. Naturally all production technologies such as laser cutting, robot welding, water jet cutting, CNC machining/milling/grinding are available.